Getting Started
Widget examples
Visualization of single-cell RNA seq data
Visualization of genomic profiles
Visualization of Multi-Modal Imaging Data
Visualization of 3k PBMC reference
Visualization of a Loom file
Using an existing view config dict
Visualization of 3k PBMC reference from Remote Zarr Store
Data preparation examples
View config API
Data preparation APIs
Data location options
Widget plugins
Widget examples
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Widget examples
Visualization of single-cell RNA seq data
1. Import dependencies
2. Download the data
3. Load the data
3.1. Preprocess the Data For Visualization
3.2 Save the Data to Zarr store
4. Create the Vitessce widget configuration
5. Create the widget
Visualization of genomic profiles
1. Import dependencies
2. Load the data
3. Convert the data to Vitessce-compatible formats
4. Make a Vitessce configuration
5. Create the widget
Visualization of Multi-Modal Imaging Data
1. Configure Vitessce
2. Create the Vitessce widget
Visualization of 3k PBMC reference
1. Import dependencies
2. Download the dataset
3. Load the dataset
3.1 Save the AnnData object to Zarr
4. Create a Vitessce view config
5. Create the Vitessce widget
Visualization of a Loom file
1. Import dependencies
2. Download data
3. Open Loom file with AnnData’s read_loom
4. Configure Vitessce
5. Render the widget
Using an existing view config dict
1. Import dependencies
2. Import config of interest as a dict
3. Create the Vitessce widget
Visualization of 3k PBMC reference from Remote Zarr Store
1. Import dependencies
2. Set the URL for the Remote Dataset
3. Create a Vitessce view config
4. Create the Vitessce widget